Konza Prairie Girl Color Pallette

Konza Prairie Girl Color Pallette

Monday, February 8, 2016

Black Swallowtail Butterfly after Emergence

 Here is a black swallowtail butterfly shortly before emerging from its chrysalis. When the wings are visible though the chrysalis, get your camera ready...They tend to emerge within a few hours of sunrise.

Black swallowtail ready to emerge:
fine art in the flinthills 
They emerge quickly, in a minute or two.  (see short video below)
Then they walk around a bit--you can let them sit in your palm-- and they will find a nice perch to sit for 20-60 minutes while their wings dry out. If they are on a butterfly bush or other source of nectar, so much the better.

I have noticed that after they start to fly, they stick around for an hour or two, making short flights with (what appear to my anthropomorphizing mind) great enthusiasm or whimsy-- even more than a butterfly's usual gaiety.
fine art in the flinthills 

Hanging out to dry...

Caterpillar no more!

Sometimes there are four or five drying out at the same time...Beautiful!

Butterflies preparing for the Maiden Voyage!

Drying the wings before flying for the first time:

Butterfly Poster...mary todd
Fine art in the flint hillls

The lovely butterflies eat almost frantically for the first time after they begin to fly.

Goodbye, Sweet Face!
Fine art in the flint hillls

here it is-- EMERGENCE

Life is Good...

Fine Art in the Flint Hills Placemats

placemats by mary todd

placemats by mary todd

Butterfly Life on the Prairie (Part One) Click HERE

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